Thursday, 29 June 2017

TAG: Your Bookish Identity

I didn't expect to do two tags in two days, but I was tagged by Myrth to do the Your Bookish Identity book tag. This seemed like another great way for everyone to get to know me, so I'm very excited to do this one!

What dystopian/fantastical world would you live in?

Given that my favourite series is The Selection series, I have to say Illéa. It kind of works out nicely too because Illéa is a dystopian version of North America, and I'm from Canada! So, taking the question one step further, I would say I'd be living in the Province of Columbia, hopefully living as a Three.

Who would your partner be?

Definitely Maxon Schreave! ... I'm assuming this question means love interest, right? Either way, Maxon is my favourite! If I could find someone in real life who is as kind and considerate and patient, I would marry them in a heartbeat.

Who would be your godly mother/father? {Percy Jackson}

I had to really think about this, because my initial instinct was to say Poseidon ... but that would mean I'd be related to Percy, and that doesn't sit well with me. Although Poseidon is my favourite god, and Artemis is my favourite goddess (but she's one of the three virgin goddesses), I'm going to say Athena is my godly mother. Yes, Athena is also a virgin goddess, but she has demigod children born from her thoughts (according to the series). Plus, then Annabeth and I would be sisters, and I love that idea!

Would you be a Downworlder or Nephilim? {Shadowhunter world}

I had to look this up because I haven't started the series yet -- it's on my list! But I did watch the movie, and with a quick internet search I quickly realized I would rather be a Nephilim, or Shadowhunter. My first name literally means 'pure', which goes with the whole angelic thing.

Which house would you be in? {Harry Potter}

Ravenclaw, no question! Athena as my godly mother makes more sense now, doesn't it? I love to learn and I'm hoping to become a teacher, so I clearly value knowledge. And of the four colours, blue is my favourite, lol.

Which faction would you be in? {Divergent}

Knowing me, I'd probably end up a Divergent. Thank goodness I'm not in that world! While I admire Amity and Candor, I think I would be in Erudite. Again, the love of learning and not wanting to come across as ignorant.

What would be your dæemon? {Northern Lights}

I had to find a quiz for this one, because I'd never even heard of the series. I found a Buzzfeed quiz and my result is Osprey. "You're not afraid to say what you mean, or speak up when you see injustice. You have a healthy distaste for authority and you're committed to doing what's right even if it's not in your best interests." ... The part about authority doesn't seem like me, but I would hope that the rest is right.

As with my last tag post, I choose to tag whoever reads this who wants to do this ... consider yourself tagged!