Monday, 24 July 2017


Book: The One
Author: Kiera Cass

Brief Synopsis

The moment is fast approaching! Will America become a Two or a One? Mrs. America Leger or Princess America Schreave? If not America, who will win the prince and the crown?

My Review

I'm sorry, this one is not my favourite. Reading this book was a weird combination of not-enjoying-the-lagging-middle and I'll-just-read-one-more-chapter-but-I'm-lying-to-myself. I am actually quite disappointed with the overall feel of this one; there were moments where America and Maxon were completely out of character, and although the ending was enough to make me want to read the last two books, there are things Kiera Cass has done that I won't be able to forgive anytime soon, if at all.

Rating: 3 / 5
Would I read again? Yes
Would I recommend? If you loved The Elite, you may as well finish the trilogy!

For a spoiler-filled review, please check out my Wordpress.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

24in48 - Hour Zero

Now that it's officially past midnight PST, I am officially beginning 24in48! ... in a few hours, because my eyes are already starting to fade. But for now, let me post the Hour Zero survey (condensed version) I filled out three hours ago:

1. Where in the world are you reading from this weekend? British Columbia

2. Have you done the 24in48 readathon before? No, this is my first time!

3. Where did you hear about the readathon? I found out about it through googling "reading challenges", and then someone on Facebook reminded me to sign up.

4. What book are you most excited about reading this weekend? Probably The Battle of the Olympians, because that means I'll be on my third book of the weekend!

5. Tell us something about yourself. My name is Kaitlyn, I'm a 23-year-old university student, studying English to become a high school teacher.

6. Remind us where to find you online this weekend. My blogs, my Instagram, and my Twitter.

Friday, 21 July 2017

24 in 48

I'm trying out another readathon! 24 in 48 is happening in just a few hours ... or maybe it's already happening where you are. I'm going by Pacific Standard Time.

The goal is, from 12:01AM on July 22nd to 11:59PM on July 23rd, to read for 24 out of those 48 hours! I'm personally aiming for 12 hours. I'll try to post periodic updates on my Instagram, but for my blogs I'm planning on making end-of-the-day posts.

I was hoping to have a copy of A Court of Thorns and Roses to read for this readathon, but I'm still in the hold line at my library. Instead, I'll be reading the last two books of The Selection series. If I finish those, then I'll start reading the last two books of the Percy Jackson series.

If you haven't signed up, I think there's still time! Come join me in this crazy quest!

Monday, 17 July 2017

REVIEW: The Elite

Book: The Elite
Author: Kiera Cass

Brief Synopsis

From thirty-five girls to six, the competition is narrowing down quickly. America Singer may have made it to the Elite, but she needs to step up her game if she's to win the competition. Will she continue to move forward, or will her indecisiveness be her downfall?

My Review

The Elite started off much better than The Selection! I understand the first book is usually the one to introduce the characters and the circumstances, but it was much slower than I expected. Having this one start off more smoothly and more quickly was quite refreshing.

Do you remember last week when I said I didn't love America as a protagonist yet? By the end of this book, it finally happened! I was worried it was going to take a whole other book (if at all), but nope, the last couple chapters cinched it for me. I still can't say I relate to her as much as I do Marlee, but she is an absolutely likeable character and I would love to be friends with her.

I don't want to give you false hope though; as much as I loved this book -- I'm pretty sure it'll be my favourite in the series! -- there is a lot of heartbreaking aspects added to the plot of the series. This book will definitely tug on your heartstrings, so readers beware for that.

If you didn't like The Selection, I'm asking you to please give The Elite a chance. If you're not in love with the series by the end of this book, then it just wasn't meant to be. But in my honest opinion, this book has so much more action and plot twists than the first book, and you just never know what's going to happen!

Rating: 5 / 5
Would I read again? Yes, absolutely!
Would I recommend? Yes, even if you didn't like the first book.

For a spoiler-filled review, please check out my Wordpress.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

TAG: Reader Problems

I got tagged to do this one on Instagram (by fairytale.kingdom), but my answers were going to be too long so I decided it'd be better on here.

You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How do you decide what to read first?

I've actually created a list of 2018, so that already narrows down what I want to read. From there I've given myself challenges ... it's hard to explain. And for the Summer specifically, I think I have 15 books picked out (5 per month), and it'll just depend on what's available in the library, but if I happen to take out 5, I might draw names out of a hat or something like that to determine which one to read first.

You are halfway through a book and you are just not loving it. Do you quit?

I usually don't reach that point. If I'm not enjoying a book, I give up after a few chapters and maybe tell myself to try again in the future. Sometimes the timing just isn't right, and I'm just not feeling the book in the moment. (Same thing has happened to me with television shows.) The only times I've quit a book halfway through is if I've gotten distracted by life.

The end of the year is coming and you are so close, yet so far away from your GoodReads goal. Do you try and catch up? And why?

Depending on how close, I might push myself. If I'm too far away, I'll make a new goal (like "I have to read these three books, and that'll be fine!" and tell myself to try again next year.

The covers of a series that you love do not match. How do you cope?

My Harry Potter covers are all over the place ... part of me really wants to buy a whole set at once, but the other part of me feels it would be smarter to buy books I don't already own. So I'm sucking it up, even though it makes me cry a little on the inside!

Everyone loves a book you just can't stand. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?

The Internet ... it has all sorts of people to chat with! But I usually don't bond over a hatred of something; I bond over the things I do love.

You are reading a book and you are about to start crying in public. How do you handle this?

I've almost done this, in class! I pushed through and told myself not to cry ... it was extremely hard. (A Walk to Remember)

A sequel for a book that you love just came out but you forgot most of what you read in the first book. Do you re-read it?

I'm so behind on the times, by the time I start reading a series, all the books have been released! But, if I ever get caught up, yes, I would re-read a book I couldn't remember very well.

You do not want anyone borrowing your books. How do you say no when someone asks?

I tell them honestly, I'm not someone who lends out books. And then I would recommend the library. If they're not willing to borrow a book from the library, you've probably made the right choice in saying no.

You've picked up and put down 5 books this month. How do you get out of this reading slump?

Usually when I'm in a reading slump, I'm distracted by something else anyways; I'll be watching more movies, or working on my writing. I let the slump run its course, but maybe help it along by looking for book recommendations.

There are so many books coming out that you have been dying to read. How many do you buy?

Honestly, like I said, I'm so behind that I'm focused more on books that are already out that I haven't read yet. I'm not in a rush to buy the newest book. (Except the special edition Harry Potter Hogwarts House version of the Philosopher's Stone ... that's different!)

After buying those books, how long do they sit on your shelf before you read them?

Awhile ... I'm terrible!

I've tagged people on Instagram to do this tag, but anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged as well!

Friday, 14 July 2017

TAG: Day and Night

I wanted to take a break from the tags ... but then I found this! I'm not sure who originally created this one, but I saw one of my favourite booktubers (Katytastic) do it, and I wanted to do it too. It's another one that doesn't involve listing off books I've read, which is good because I feel like I haven't read enough books yet. Instead, you'll get to know some of my habits!

D: Do you read more in the morning or at night?

I read sort of whenever, but I don't read too late at night because then I start to get tired and I won't concentrate on what I'm actually reading. The earlier I start the better, so morning it is!

A: Are there any books that changed the way you thought about things?

The Elite by Kiera Cass made me realize how inattentive I am to details. As a future teacher, I want to learn how to be more attentive, specifically in cases of where there might be abuse in the students' home lives.

Y: YA or not?

Young adult books, absolutely!

A: Are there any characters that you honestly believe are real?

I like to hope that Maxon Schreave is real (or at least believe there is someone out there who's very similar!). As far as actually believing though, I don't think so.

N: Nobody touches my books or I don't mind lending them out?

I have to really know you before I lend out my books. I had a friend who I would lend a book to, thinking it would come back in a week ... and she'd have it back to me by the next day, completely read! I had another friend who took two years to return a PEN to me. (I'm only bitter about that one because it was a special pen, and she ended up "replacing it", but not actually replacing it.)

D: Do you ever smell your books?

Not usually, no. The only time I do is if I get a whiff of something in the air and I check to make sure it's not the book.

N: Not everyone loves books ... is this a positive or a negative?

I mean, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I don't belittle anyone else's hobbies, and I would hope they would extend me the same courtesy. But is it a positive or a negative that not everyone loves to read? I don't think it's either choice; it is what it is.

I: I keep my books in the best condition or maybe not?

Unfortunately I've been living out of a suitcase for the last 5 years, packing everything into bins, moving my stuff across the country. I would love to keep my books in better condition now that I'm (basically) settled, but it may be too late for some of them.

G: Gosh I have too many books! True or False?

My mom thinks so because I went through a long period of buying books and not reading them. Now that I'm just getting back into reading, I feel like I'm way behind on the times and don't have as many books as most people. (Maybe I'm just intimidated by all the booktubers shelves.)

H: Have you ever spilled or stained your books with something, and if so, how?

This is the saddest book story I've ever told. It was Remembrance Day a few years ago and I was at the cenotaph, because I arrived with a friend and was meeting an old teacher afterwards. It was all well and good, I wanted to be there to commemorate our fallen soldiers, and the weather was fine. Sometime during the ceremony, the weather was not fine, but I didn't think anything of it. I found my teacher after the ceremony, we went to her house, I opened my purse and everything was soaked ... including a paperback copy of Dear John by Nicholas Sparks, which I was in the middle of reading. The book never fully recovered after that one, and I wish I could remember why it was in my purse in the first place.

T: Toned or untoned while reading? In other words, do you read and workout at the same time?

I used to read while working out on the treadmill. I've stopped using the treadmill though, switched to pilates. So the answer is no, not anymore.

Anyone who wants to do this book tag, consider yourself tagged! ... but I'm going to definitely challenge Myrth to do this one.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

5 Books, 1 Week, Day 7

I just realized I forgot to do the final day for this on my blogs ... better late than never, only less than a week late!

Day 7 of the #sunsout5books1week reading challenge: Wrap-up!

I shouldn't make any excuses, but I had an awful start to the week: Day 1 we had a power outage for 8 hours, plus a plumbing problem (in our new house!), plus I was feeling super ill that afternoon. It put me off my schedule, and I think that mentally made it more difficult to motivate myself.

However, I had a goal to at least read half of my 5-book TBR list, and I completed that goal! I read 2.5 books, a total of 814 pages, in the 7 days. I don't think this is two awful for my first reading challenge, and it shows me that I can feasibly read an average of 100 pages a day, which is what I want to be doing on a more regular basis anyways.

Thank you again to pri_bibliophile and mellisarock (on Instagram) for the amazing opportunity to try a reading challenge!

Monday, 10 July 2017

REVIEW: The Selection

Book: The Selection
Author: Kiera Cass

Brief Synopsis

For most of the young ladies of Illéa, the Selection is a dream-come-true once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For America Singer, however, it's the total opposite. Putting her name in for the Selection would mean the possibility of leaving behind her love and entering into a world completely out of her comfort zone. How is she expected to live in a palace and compete for the affection of a One, when she herself is a Five?

My Review

If you love The Bachelor, this would be the perfect book for you! In a new North America (called Illéa), the country is comprised of a monarchy and a caste system. America Singer, a Five, has no desire to meet the prince. That doesn't matter to her mother though, who asks America to sign up for the Selection anyways. The Selection is a chance to become the wife of Prince Maxon and, essentially, become Princess of Illéa.

I like America as a protagonist, I really do. I can't say I love her yet, but she is changing and becoming a rounder character. And I can certainly appreciate what a big heart she has; the way she interacts with people "beneath" her (in terms of the caste system) is genuine and loving. She's also not afraid to tell off the people who are "above" her when they're being jerks. I'm hoping I'll love her more as the series goes on, because right now her indecisive attitude is a bit irritating. But overall, she's not a terrible character.

I'm trying really hard not to spoil anything, so all I'll say now is that if you're into books about royalty and/or caste systems, and if you're not afraid of a romance, you should definitely give this book a try. I will warn you though: This book started off slow, in my opinion. I didn't start to get into it until Chapter 8, which is about 60 pages into the book. I also wasn't a fan of the ending, but the middle was fantastic and it was enough to make me want to continue with the series.

Rating: 4 / 5
Would I read again? Yes
Would I recommend? Yes, but maybe only to those who love romance novels.

For a spoiler-filled review, please check out my Wordpress.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Litsy Anyone?

Does anyone else use Litsy? I haven't had the app very long, but I'm in love with it! It's basically like Goodreads and Instagram combined (with some aspects of Pinterest). If anyone wants to follow me (121books), I'm following everyone back! And I have to give a shoutout to Sarah (ButterlyUtterly) for introducing me to Litsy!

What's your Litsy username?

Thursday, 6 July 2017

5 Books, 1 Week, Day 6

(Day 4 and Day 5 weren't great for blogging, but I did post on my Instagram!)

Day 6 of the #sunsout5books1week reading challenge: Bookmark!

So, I actually don't use "bookmarks", in the traditional sense. I would love to, especially after seeing all the gorgeous creations on Instagram (which I will talk about in a moment). I just can't afford to buy any yet. For now, I just use pieces of paper that I find nearby me at the time of my reading. My current bookmark is a paint chip.

As I said, there are some amazing bookmark creators on Instagram! While I can't financially support them at the moment, I can show my support and appreciation by giving them a shoutout. Please check them out, and if you know of any other amazing bookmark creators, let me know!

@bibliophileprints // // @crescent_ink // @laladreamyland // @lexyolivia // @littleinklingsdesign // @marquisdusoleil // @oriandle // @otternonsensedesigns // @readandwonder_ // @shop_fangirl_fantasy_book // @thatbookiebookmarks // @thebookmosphere // @thepinkbibliophile // @zwischenseitlich

Monday, 3 July 2017

5 Books, 1 Week, Day 3

Day 3 of the #sunsout5books1week reading challenge: the past, the present, and the future!

{PAST} Before this reading challenge started, I had just finished The One by Kiera Cass. My rating and review for it should be posted by the end of July!

{PRESENT} I'm still currently reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. According to my schedule, I was supposed to be done this one yesterday!

{FUTURE} Hopefully by the end of today, I will be working on The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan!

REVIEW: The Siren

Book: The Siren
Author: Kiera Cass

Brief Synopsis

Kahlen is a young woman (not yet twenty) who is transformed into a siren after a near-death experience. She is a rule-follower by nature, and has no problem obeying the laws of the siren sisterhood. That is, until she meets someone who makes her question everything.

My Review

I have so much empathy for Kahlen! From the intriguing first chapter, I knew her story would be an interesting one. When she was happy, my smile became big and bold. When she was upset, I cried more than I'd like to admit. I can't imagine having this deep of a connection with any other protagonists I'll encounter in the future.

Then there's Akinli! Akinli is the kind of guy I would love to bring home to my mom. He's down-to-earth, non-judgmental, and someone who takes a genuine interest in a person for who they are, not what they look like. How could you not love Akinli?

If you decide to read The Siren (which I highly recommend you do!), prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster. The highs are high and the lows are low! But more importantly, this story is so well-written that I can't imagine anyone wanting to put this book down.

Rating: 5 / 5
Would I read again? Yes
Would I recommend? Yes, I would recommend this to everyone!

For a spoiler-filled review, please check out my Wordpress.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

5 Books, 1 Week, Day 2

Day 2 of the #sunsout5books1week reading challenge: Where do you like to read?

Yesterday I discovered my couch is actually comfier than my bed! But my go-to reading spot has always been my bed; it's comfier than a chair, and my bedroom is private and I (usually) don't get interrupted.

What's your favourite reading spot?

Saturday, 1 July 2017

5 Books, 1 Week, Day 1

Day 1 of the #sunsout5books1week reading challenge: Choose 5 books from your TBR list to read this week. What have I chosen, you may ask? I chose ... THE PERCY JACKSON SERIES!

I've technically read the first two books before, and I started to read the third one before I got sidetracked and haven't touched them since. I think it's perfect that this challenge is 5 books in a week, because there are 5 books in the series, and it'll be great to see if I can really finish a whole series in one week. Even if I get halfway through, I think I'll be happy with that.

Have you read the series? If so, which book is your favourite?