I wanted to take a break from the tags ... but then I found this! I'm not sure who originally created this one, but I saw one of my favourite booktubers (Katytastic) do it, and I wanted to do it too. It's another one that doesn't involve listing off books I've read, which is good because I feel like I haven't read enough books yet. Instead, you'll get to know some of my habits!
D: Do you read more in the morning or at night?
I read sort of whenever, but I don't read too late at night because then I start to get tired and I won't concentrate on what I'm actually reading. The earlier I start the better, so morning it is!
A: Are there any books that changed the way you thought about things?
The Elite by Kiera Cass made me realize how inattentive I am to details. As a future teacher, I want to learn how to be more attentive, specifically in cases of where there might be abuse in the students' home lives.
Y: YA or not?
Young adult books, absolutely!
A: Are there any characters that you honestly believe are real?
I like to hope that Maxon Schreave is real (or at least believe there is someone out there who's very similar!). As far as actually believing though, I don't think so.
N: Nobody touches my books or I don't mind lending them out?
I have to really know you before I lend out my books. I had a friend who I would lend a book to, thinking it would come back in a week ... and she'd have it back to me by the next day, completely read! I had another friend who took two years to return a PEN to me. (I'm only bitter about that one because it was a special pen, and she ended up "replacing it", but not actually replacing it.)
D: Do you ever smell your books?
Not usually, no. The only time I do is if I get a whiff of something in the air and I check to make sure it's not the book.
N: Not everyone loves books ... is this a positive or a negative?
I mean, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I don't belittle anyone else's hobbies, and I would hope they would extend me the same courtesy. But is it a positive or a negative that not everyone loves to read? I don't think it's either choice; it is what it is.
I: I keep my books in the best condition or maybe not?
Unfortunately I've been living out of a suitcase for the last 5 years, packing everything into bins, moving my stuff across the country. I would love to keep my books in better condition now that I'm (basically) settled, but it may be too late for some of them.
G: Gosh I have too many books! True or False?
My mom thinks so because I went through a long period of buying books and not reading them. Now that I'm just getting back into reading, I feel like I'm way behind on the times and don't have as many books as most people. (Maybe I'm just intimidated by all the booktubers shelves.)
H: Have you ever spilled or stained your books with something, and if so, how?
This is the saddest book story I've ever told. It was Remembrance Day a few years ago and I was at the cenotaph, because I arrived with a friend and was meeting an old teacher afterwards. It was all well and good, I wanted to be there to commemorate our fallen soldiers, and the weather was fine. Sometime during the ceremony, the weather was not fine, but I didn't think anything of it. I found my teacher after the ceremony, we went to her house, I opened my purse and everything was soaked ... including a paperback copy of Dear John by Nicholas Sparks, which I was in the middle of reading. The book never fully recovered after that one, and I wish I could remember why it was in my purse in the first place.
T: Toned or untoned while reading? In other words, do you read and workout at the same time?
I used to read while working out on the treadmill. I've stopped using the treadmill though, switched to pilates. So the answer is no, not anymore.
Anyone who wants to do this book tag, consider yourself tagged! ... but I'm going to definitely challenge Myrth to do this one.
Doing this now. =D