Saturday, 15 July 2017

TAG: Reader Problems

I got tagged to do this one on Instagram (by fairytale.kingdom), but my answers were going to be too long so I decided it'd be better on here.

You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How do you decide what to read first?

I've actually created a list of 2018, so that already narrows down what I want to read. From there I've given myself challenges ... it's hard to explain. And for the Summer specifically, I think I have 15 books picked out (5 per month), and it'll just depend on what's available in the library, but if I happen to take out 5, I might draw names out of a hat or something like that to determine which one to read first.

You are halfway through a book and you are just not loving it. Do you quit?

I usually don't reach that point. If I'm not enjoying a book, I give up after a few chapters and maybe tell myself to try again in the future. Sometimes the timing just isn't right, and I'm just not feeling the book in the moment. (Same thing has happened to me with television shows.) The only times I've quit a book halfway through is if I've gotten distracted by life.

The end of the year is coming and you are so close, yet so far away from your GoodReads goal. Do you try and catch up? And why?

Depending on how close, I might push myself. If I'm too far away, I'll make a new goal (like "I have to read these three books, and that'll be fine!" and tell myself to try again next year.

The covers of a series that you love do not match. How do you cope?

My Harry Potter covers are all over the place ... part of me really wants to buy a whole set at once, but the other part of me feels it would be smarter to buy books I don't already own. So I'm sucking it up, even though it makes me cry a little on the inside!

Everyone loves a book you just can't stand. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?

The Internet ... it has all sorts of people to chat with! But I usually don't bond over a hatred of something; I bond over the things I do love.

You are reading a book and you are about to start crying in public. How do you handle this?

I've almost done this, in class! I pushed through and told myself not to cry ... it was extremely hard. (A Walk to Remember)

A sequel for a book that you love just came out but you forgot most of what you read in the first book. Do you re-read it?

I'm so behind on the times, by the time I start reading a series, all the books have been released! But, if I ever get caught up, yes, I would re-read a book I couldn't remember very well.

You do not want anyone borrowing your books. How do you say no when someone asks?

I tell them honestly, I'm not someone who lends out books. And then I would recommend the library. If they're not willing to borrow a book from the library, you've probably made the right choice in saying no.

You've picked up and put down 5 books this month. How do you get out of this reading slump?

Usually when I'm in a reading slump, I'm distracted by something else anyways; I'll be watching more movies, or working on my writing. I let the slump run its course, but maybe help it along by looking for book recommendations.

There are so many books coming out that you have been dying to read. How many do you buy?

Honestly, like I said, I'm so behind that I'm focused more on books that are already out that I haven't read yet. I'm not in a rush to buy the newest book. (Except the special edition Harry Potter Hogwarts House version of the Philosopher's Stone ... that's different!)

After buying those books, how long do they sit on your shelf before you read them?

Awhile ... I'm terrible!

I've tagged people on Instagram to do this tag, but anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged as well!

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